If you want to better organise your applications and systemise your processes, you need to consider a pipeline. In Inteleagent, a pipeline is made up of a set of stages your application goes through from start to finish. You can customise those stages and name them the way you want to. You can preset tasks for each stage, that will show up for each application that goes through a particular stage. You can also add more than one pipeline to your system, to better organise your data.

What is a pipeline?

A pipeline represents your application process. It consists of various steps in your process known as stages, and it allows you to manage and track individual applications as they advance through your applications cycle.

Why use more than one pipeline?

The answer is pretty straight forward: different stages for different applications. For example, you might have 10 stages in your pipeline for an offshore application however, you might only have 7 or 8 stages for onshore applications. If you send students to more than one country, you already know the US university application process is different from an Australian university application process. For the US applications you might only have 5 stages while for Australian application you might have 9 stages. If that's the case, being able to create more than one pipeline will definitely help.

If you send applications to US, UK, and Australia, you would typically create a pipeline for US, one for UK, and one for Australia. Your US pipeline might have 5 stages, your UK pipeline might have 7 stages, and your Australian pipeline might have 9 stages.

If you want to separate your onshore applications from your offshore applications, you might want to have an ONSHORE pipeline with a certain number of stages, and an OFFSHORE pipeline with a particular number of stages.

Multiple pipelines will give you the freedom and flexibility to run your education agency, your way.